This month’s Top 25 brought to you by Fiberon Composite Decking.
CGR Creative is proud to introduce the first monthly installment of our Charlotte Twitterati.
The Charlotte Twitterati is our monthly index of the Queen City’s most influential citizens. Each month we will present an updated list of the top 25.
Top 25
- Jeff Elder - @jeffelder - 117
- TweetMyJOBS- @tweetmyjobs - 116
- mommywords - @mommywords - 115
- Chris Harrington - @chrisharrington - 113
- Donna Maria Coles Johnson - @indiebusiness - 112
- Mysty Wuori - @mysticle - 112
- Jeff Gluck - @jeff_gluck - 111
- Genevieve Jooste - @GenevieveJooste - 110
- Osfoora - @osfoora - 110
- Brandon Uttley - @brandonuttley - 109
- Charlotte Observer - @theobserver - 103
- Lauriana Zukowski - @laurianaz - 102
- Sandy Salle - @hillsofafrica - 102
- Uncle Bob Martin - @unclebobmartin - 99
- Bridget Haymond - @bridgethaymond - 96
- Discovery Place - @discoveryplace - 94
- Denny Hamlin - @dennyhamlin - 94
- Scott Speed - @scottspeed - 93
- Jenna Fryer - @JennaFryer - 93
- Marc DeCaria - @MarcDecaria - 92
- Charlotte Bobcats - @bobcats - 91
- SPEED - @speed - 90
- Corey Anderson - @coreyanderson - 88
- The Android Site - @theandroidsite - 88
- Kathleen Hessert - @kathleenhessert - 87
How We Calculate It
The Top 25 is determined by combining individual scores from and We get the initial list from the top 50 listed on and We create a list of all the names and then look at their Klout and PeerIndex scores. The composite totals give us the monthly Charlotte Twitterati.
Charlotte, NC
According to, Charlotte is the 27th most active city in the United States and 41st in the World. This is based on number of users listing Charlotte, NC on their Twitter profile.
Follow the Twitterati!/cgrcreative/charlotte-twitterati
Keep up with the Joneses by subscribing to our list on Twitter which tracks every member of the Twitterati in one group.
About CGR Creative
CGR Creative is a full-service advertising agency located in Charlotte's historic Southend area. We offer web design, graphic design, search engine optimization, printing
Who Did We Miss?
Do you have any recommendations for a highly influential, Charlotte-based user we missed? Please send us an email with your nomination and we will add them to the index. Send your message to Will Lang -
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter as well - @cgrcreative.
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